Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What Were They Thinking? [Maki]

I had lunch at Maki yesterday at Marina Waves. At one point it was the biggest name in Japanese cuisine in Kuwait. Now it stands for mayonnaise. Don't be fooled if anywhere on the menu you read something along the lines of 'secret sauce' or 'special sauce'. It's just mayonnaise.

Moving on...

Maki at Marina Waves (I'm not sure about the one in the Avenues) now uses iPads as a menu. It's pretty recent, because when I had visited them in June/July it was only the waiters that were using them to take your order. Now you get to scroll through all the different sashimis, makis, sushis etc. on an iPad and there's a picture for each item. I like  visual aids when it comes to menus, because it's nice to know what your food might look like. But the iPad menu just didn't do it for me. It's not that I'm technologically challenged - there was just so much to scroll through and so many different albums to sort through that I got confused. Also, it would be pretty confusing for elderly customers who don't know how to use an iPad. (See below)

While I was trying to figure out what to order, I stumbled upon a new dish that they now serve for the price of 7 KD...(see below)

Yes, a 'Black Angus Burger Maki' with potato chips on the side. Oh, and it's trademarked by the way, so it sucks if you're a sushi chef and you thought of this too!

What were they thinking?

On another note, I did go to Ricardo at the Sheraton for dinner that same evening. Great food, great dining experience, but most of all - great menu.

There's a flashlight attached to it because they keep it somewhat dark in the restaurant. I had the veal cutlets in the mushroom cream sauce (12 KD) and it was worth it! Melts in your mouth and everything. They also have live music which is rare in Kuwait, so it's a pretty nice touch. 

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